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Types of training course

Open Training

An opportunity to learn alongside other organisations whilst giving you greater flexibility to access and engage with our interactive helpline training.

Delivered: Virtually via zoom

Course Capacity: 16 delegates

Terms: Up to 4 delegates from any 1 organisation on each course date

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In-house Training

By offering your team the chance to learn together, you create an environment that encourages shared growth, knowledge exchange, and mutual support.

Delivered: Virtually or In-person

Course Capacity: Between 6 and 16 delegates

Training materials and learning content can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation

Simply complete the enquiry form below, and one of our team members will get in touch to answer any questions. We will then invite you to a free consultation call with one of our trainers to discuss your training needs in more detail and ensure the training programme is tailored to your team.

Bespoke Training

We can develop and deliver specialist helpline training courses tailored to your needs, combining different aspects of our existing training programmes.

Examples of bespoke training programmes:

Support Skills (Combined versions of our Helpline Skills courses)

Responding to Distressed Callers

What is good listening?