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Member Benefits

Membership of Helplines Partnership (HLP) supports you to deliver the highest standard of service for the people your organisation supports.

As part of our membership community, you’ll gain access to a range of exclusive benefits designed to enhance your helpline’s effectiveness and sustainability, including networking opportunities, training and development, and certification rewards.

Join today to strengthen your service and make a lasting impact.

Be part of our Member Network

  • Attend regular Member Space networking events (virtual and face-to-face).
  • Receive savings rewards for our AGM, Annual Conference and Helpline Awards.
  • Read our monthly sector e-bulletin covering topical and broader societal matters.
  • Benefit from on-hand support from HLP staff and members with queries regarding your helpline, ensuring adherence to best practice.
  • Receive one vote per member at the AGM.


  • Benefit from up to 40% off our standard rate of specialised training courses, including CPD accredited training, for helpline teams. All our courses can be accessed online or face to face. We can train your whole team together (our in-house service) or you can book open courses alongside other organisations.

Helplines Standard


  • Receive up to 40% off our standard consultancy rates for specialised support in helpline services. With over 22 years of knowledge and expertise in the helplines sector, we can support you from set-up to review and development of your helpline and team.


  • We actively advocate and campaign on behalf of helplines at public and policy levels to strengthen support across the sector.
  • We collaborate with partners and stakeholders to raise the profile of helplines and highlight their impact on society.
  • We seek out opportunities to lead and influence research that drives innovation and growth within the helpline sector.
  • By joining Helplines Partnership, your organisation becomes part of this advocacy effort, helping to shape the future of helpline services.

Promoting your Helpline

  • Promote your helpline in our online Find a Helpline Directory.
  • Use HLP’s membership branding within your website and marketing materials.
  • Benefit from social media promotion, campaign support, and guest blog opportunities.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to present your ongoing campaigns or accomplishments at Member Space Events.

Practical Support through our Trusted Supplier Network

Connect with our trusted supplier network to access valuable savings and resources for your helpline, including:

  • Savings on a cloud-based, multi-channel Virtual Call Centre (VCC) for helplines.
  • Cost-effective solutions for Voice over IP (VoIP), smartphones, and broadband services.
  • Reduced rates for real-time translation, interpretation, and on-demand/pre-booked video interpreting.
  • A saving of 70ppm on calls received from BT payphones (Payphone Access Charge).
  • Exclusive access to the Helpline Freephone Range (HFR), offering freephone numbers that ensure confidentiality for vulnerable callers, with no trace on itemised bill.