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Helpline Award Nominations: Tips to help you craft a strong submission

Helpline Award Nominations: Tips to help you craft a strong submission

Helpline Award Nominations: Tips to help you craft a strong submission

Nominations are now open for the Helplines Partnership Awards, a highlight of our annual conference.

These awards celebrate the unsung heroes of the helpline sector, recognising individuals and teams who have demonstrated exceptional support, guidance, and compassion.

This year, we have the following award categories:

  • Helpline of the Year
  • Employee of the Year
  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Lifetime Service Award
  • Staff Wellbeing Award
  • Innovation and Sustainability Award

Each category will have two winners — one for organisations with an income over £500,000, and one for organisations with an income under £500,000.

How to Write a Good Nomination:

When writing your nomination, it’s important to provide clear and detailed examples that align with the specific criteria for each award. Below, we have outlined the criteria and some tips to help you craft a strong submission.

1. Helpline of the Year

This award recognises a helpline that has demonstrated exceptional performance and quality of service.


Excellence in service delivery

Positive user feedback and satisfaction

Innovative practices and continuous improvement

Significant impact on the community


Highlight specific instances of outstanding service.

Include testimonials or feedback from users.

Describe any innovative practices and their outcomes.

Provide evidence of the helpline's impact on the community.

2. Employee of the Year

This award honours a staff member who has shown extraordinary dedication, professionalism, and compassion.


Outstanding dedication and professionalism

Exceptional contributions to the helpline service

Positive impact on colleagues and service users

Demonstrated initiative

Commitment to the values and mission of the helpline


Share stories of the employee going above and beyond.

Highlight their contributions to both colleagues and service users.

Provide examples of their initiative and dedication.

3. Volunteer of the Year

This award honours a volunteer who has made an exceptional contribution to a helpline service.


Extraordinary commitment and reliability

Significant positive impact on the helpline service

Demonstrated empathy and compassion

Contribution to the overall success and effectiveness of the service

Exemplary embodiment of the volunteer spirit


Describe the volunteer’s dedication and impact on the service.

Provide specific examples of their empathy and compassion.

Highlight how they have contributed to the service’s success.

4. Lifetime Service Award

This award recognises an individual who has made a lasting impact over many years in the helpline sector.


Long-term commitment to the helpline sector

Significant and lasting contributions to service development and delivery

Positive influence on the helpline community


Detail the individual’s career and their contributions.

Highlight their lasting impact on the sector and community.

Provide testimonials from colleagues and service users.

5. Staff Wellbeing Award

This award recognises a helpline service that prioritises the wellbeing and mental health of its staff.


Effective wellbeing initiatives and programmes

Positive workplace culture and environment

Demonstrated commitment to staff mental health and wellbeing

High staff satisfaction and engagement

Innovative practices to support employee wellbeing


Describe specific wellbeing initiatives and their impact.

Provide evidence of a positive workplace culture.

Include staff testimonials and engagement statistics.

6. Innovation and Sustainability Award

This award celebrates a helpline service that has demonstrated exceptional innovation and a commitment to sustainability.


Innovative approaches to service delivery

Commitment to sustainability

Successful implementation of new technologies or methods

Positive impact on service effectiveness and efficiency

Demonstrated long-term viability and sustainability


Highlight innovative practices and their benefits.

Describe sustainability initiatives and their outcomes.

Provide examples of new technologies or methods used.

Submission Process:

Write your nomination following the tips and criteria above.

Submit your nomination.

Make sure to include all relevant information.

We look forward to receiving your nominations and celebrating the incredible work within our community. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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