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Barnardo's - Ukrainian support helpline Barnardo's - Ukrainian support helpline

Barnardo's - Ukrainian support helpline

Support for children and families who have fled the conflict in Ukraine

Ukrainian Support Helpline providing an holistic support service for those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. Support includes therapy with a qualified psychotherapist – delivered via the phone or online, with access to interpreters, advice on a range of issues e.g., housing, accessing key health services, education, employment and more via our trained helpline support workers and practical support including access to digital devices to ensure families stay connected to loved ones during this worrying time, as well as stimulating toys for children, vital baby items and more. All services include access to interpreters in Ukrainian and Russian.

0800 148 8586

Website Email


Whole of UK

Opening Times

Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm, Sat, 10am-3pm



Age Range
