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The Anne Robson Trust

If you or someone close to you is dying, you can talk to us

If you or someone close to you is dying, you can talk to us. Facing the end of life can leave many of us feeling isolated and alone. Our trained helpline volunteers are here to listen to you and support you. We are here for you whether you’re the person who is dying, or a family member or friend ; in the last months, weeks or days of life ; facing the end of life at home or in a hospital, care home or hospice or working in a caring role with people who are dying (ie in the NHS, or in a care home or the community. Calls to 0808 80 numbers are free from landlines and mobiles in the UK.

0808 801 0688

Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 12noon to 6pm; for support outside these hours please email and we will contact you within 24hrs (48hrs if your message is sent over the weekend)

Charges: None

Age Range: 18+

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