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The British Stammering Association

Support for people affected by stammering

Confidential helpline providing information and support for people who stammer on any issues concerning stammering. The helpline is run by people who stammer, student and qualified speech and language therapists and others with an understanding of stammering. Open to children aged 14 and upwards, adults, families and friends as well as professionals such as employers, health visitors, GP’s and speech and language therapists living in the UK. Further support includes an information pack along with contact details for local NHS Speech and Language Therapy Services. Information packs can be downloaded and ordered online. The BSA also offers a mentoring scheme and community-based activities for children and adults who stammer.

0808 802 0002 Freephone helpline

Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 10am-12noon; 6pm-8pm; closed weekends

Charges: Membership charge applies

Age Range: All ages, including children aged 14 and upwards

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