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The Printing Charity

Occupational charity for printers

Established occupational charity in the UK. The Welfare and Wellbeing Team can discuss Regular Financial Assistance for those on a low income or one-off grants to support independent living as well as help with essential items of expenditure such as mobility and visual aids, white goods, respite breaks and bereavement. Financial support is also available to top-up care fees in nursing and residential homes or care in sheltered housing or your own home. Anyone who has worked for at least 3 years in the printing, paper, packaging, and publishing or allied trades, or is a dependent of someone who has, can apply. The Charity also has two sheltered homes for those aged 60 and over who are retired and can live independently.

01293 542820

Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Charges: None

Age Range: All ages

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