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GIST Cancer UK

GIST Cancer UK

We are a network of GIST cancer patients & carers working with top GIST specialists & National/International groups, to promote best practice. We exist to help GIST patients and their families come to terms with living with GIST cancer.

GIST Cancer UK is a charitable trust formed in April 2009. We are here to support GIST cancer patients, fund research into GIST, improve treatments and find a cure for this rare cancer. We receive no government funding and are run by a board of volunteer trustees who have a close association and experience of GIST cancer.

We run meetings where GIST patients and their carers can support each other, share experiences, and hear about the latest developments in the treatment of GIST from leading professionals.

We try to keep abreast of developments in the treatment of GIST by maintaining contact with: pharmaceutical companies, specialist doctors and research groups, and patient support groups all over the World.

We operate a private online patient & carer discussion/question and answer group where members can email the group to ask questions, exchange information and generally discuss their problems. This is a private and confidential mailing list system which is only available to GIST patients and their carers.

We also operate Facebook & Twitter communities, produce booklets and information for patients/carers covering a range of useful GIST topics, and raise awareness about GIST.

Represent GIST patient interests: at National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) appraisals of new treatments in the UK and at National and International meetings.

Work to support an infrastructure that supports research and improves patient care by lobbying for the rights of rare GIST cancer patients and working with the pharmaceutical industry to support research and good patient information about their drugs.

0300 400 0000

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Opening Times

9am – 9pm



Age Range

All Ages