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⬅ View all Helplines
Gene People

Gene People

Provide support to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by genetic conditions.

Genetic counsellor led helpline service for people with a genetic condition, their relatives, professionals and anyone who needs to know more about genetic conditions and how to cope with the difficulties they can present. The helpline is a confidential and non-judgemental space to find out more information, discuss feelings, concerns and fears about a genetic condition. The Helpline Team may not be able to respond to all calls immediately; callers can leave a voicemail or send an email at any time and the Team will aim to respond within 2 working days. When leaving a voice message or sending an email please ensure you include your name, telephone number, name of the condition and a brief outline of your main question or concern. Please note this service cannot provide diagnosis, genetic testing or general psychological counselling.

0800 987 8987

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Whole of UK

Opening Times

Monday to Thursday, 9am-5pm



Age Range

All ages